Genomics Patient Choice Consent Training elearning

elearning Design Portfolio

East NHS Genomic Laboratory Hub elearning - desktop view
East NHS Genomic Laboratory Hub elearning - tablet design
Patient Choice Consent Training elearning elearning design- mobile view

This Html 5 SCORM compliant e-learning course was designed & developed for the East Midlands & East of England NHS Genomic Laboratory Hub based at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge.

The interactive training module introduces a new consent framework for whole-genome sequencing, known as Patient Choice, to medical professionals working in the field of genomics.

The final e-learning is now being hosted on the PGMC e-learning portal and is available to health practitioners in the NHS Eastern and East Midlands regions.




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elearning design
Graphic Design, Animation, Articulate Storyline Authoring

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